Real People, Lives Changed


“The approach taught in the Marriage Recovery Course gave me a framework for what a healthy marriage looks and feels like. It opened my eyes wide to the unhealthy systems and cycles affecting my marriage, and then gave me the tools to start walking toward healing.  Doing the hard work of individual healing alongside my spouse has been incredibly difficult and outrageously beautiful. The tools and frameworks we learned through the Marriage Recovery Course materials have forever changed me as an individual and has helped us rebuild the foundation of our marriage on safety, curiosity, and compassion.” 

- S.V.

"It is 'easier' to focus on only one specific thing when dealing with obstacles in our marriages. However, we are complex individuals in complex marriages in complex systems. The only way we found to truly work on becoming our best selves with the most fulfilling marriage was to find a program that helped us in each of these areas (as individuals, our marriage, and our systems). Our marriage (though far from the “fairytale perfect” I naively thought everyone had) is better than I could have dreamed. We are honest, vulnerable, trust that we are trying the best for one another, and accepting of our true authentic selves. I am so proud of the hard work we have done for ourselves and for one another, and the work we continue to do daily. Learning all the separate stories we bring to our marriage and systems helped me grow individually. This growth changed not only our marriage but the trajectory of my life and our children’s lives.
We are forever thankful for the Marriage Recovery Course!"

- Mikaela

“I’ve tried solving my addiction on my own for decades. This time, after I had been caught, I remember thinking that I was going to do everything I could possibly do to finally address it. I sought groups, I read books, and I went to counseling. There was no cost I wasn’t willing to consider. There was no stone I wouldn’t overturn.

Through my recovery, I started to realize that my addiction wasn’t just warping my view of sex and relationships. But that my view was wholly wrong. I saw sex as a tool to address my feelings, stresses, and frustrations. But I soon realized that sex wasn’t a tool at all, but an emotional expression. It’s as if someone told me that the hammer I had in my hand wasn’t a hammer but rather the color blue. My brain couldn’t even conceive what I was hearing. It took time, sobriety, and practice to finally start to see sex and relationships as something wholly other than what I thought they were.

I can attest that the lessons taught in this course helped me understand that there was something else there when I thought there was nothing left. It took letting go, choosing death from my past knowledge, and taking a big jump to finally experience a relationship and sexual expression that is honest and soul-filling.”

- JV

I feel so incredibly fortunate that, at one of my lowest points, I happened into the marriage recovery course and its unique approach to addressing me, my addiction, the betrayal my wife was processing, and how our marriage system needed work. Through it, I’ve come to understand myself, my feelings, my responses, my wants & needs, and the motivations that influence them all. I’ve learned how to accept who I am and who I have been to be the best version of myself.

I struggled with secrets, facades, fears, insecurities, and codependence. We were guided through work on our marriage system to one of honesty, transparency, reality, and true connection, and free from addiction. Our marriage is better and more fulfilling than I dreamed possible.

I cannot recommend highly enough the tools and resources we gained through the work we did in this course. It has been truly life-changing.

- Brandon

"One of the best parts of being your client was the way I felt after leaving your office. HOPE. Prior to having Jeremy as a counselor, we had counselors who didn’t know what they were doing. I got lectured about how much better my husband was doing and I should move on. I was given horrible advice like have more sex. We had counselors not trained in these areas and they had no clue how to help and did more damage than they meant to.

Jeremy however, helped us navigate how to share our pain, step into the triggers, helped my husband take ownership, educated us, helped me figure out how to share better, and connect emotionally with him. Good grief you understood the brain and how to navigate language into our prefrontal cortex. We left your office with hope!"

- D.J.R.

“When discovery day happen to me, it was a bomb and I had the good wife attitude to make things better. Be a better wife, be more adventurous, be more kind, etc. in order for my spouse to stop his porn addiction. But instead I found out that I was lost and didn't know who I was anymore.

Then we heard about the Marriage Recovery System and how the process can help us. We wanted to make our marriage work, we wanted to save it from more pain and I wanted to heal from the betrayal. Instead, the system opened my eyes to a new dynamic that I didn't know was there.

Through growth and healing I learned that not only do I have to heal and face the truth. But also that my spouse has to do the same in order for the new dynamic to work. For our marriage to work, I had to be more authentic and vulnerable in order for our marriage to heal and grow. The Marriage recovery system changed my life, my marriage and my world.”

- Ann

"Before we found Jeremy, I had done some work on my sex and love addictions so was experiencing sobriety. I still needed a lot of work on my personal health and growth but where I think we were really stuck was as a couple. I had really devastated my wife but also totally wrecked us as a couple with my lies, betrayals and fear of real intimacy. The first thing Jeremy did was create a really safe place for my wife so she could start working on her trauma. She felt totally safe and heard in our sessions. Jeremy also had this unique approach where he was able to address not only our individual needs but also treated our "couple-ship" as a unique and important client. He helped us see we were on the same team, that we really wanted the same things, and were "for" each other. It wasn't a bunch of vague counselor mumbo jumbo. He taught us real skills that we use to this day and still work to improve. I can without a doubt say that without Jeremy, we were on a clear path for divorce and would not be experiencing the love, health, joy and hope we now have both as individuals and as a couple!"

- C.D.R.

“The last thing I thought our marriage needed was therapy, so I was reluctant to say the least when we went to see Jeremy. At the same time, I knew things weren't right and could be better. So we got going on this journey, and as is often the case, things got worse before they got better. That was a hard pill to swallow because not only was I needing heart change, not only was my wife, but the third variable, our marriage, needed heart change. Through the program Jeremy put together, we learned and applied the most important and foundational peace of that heart change - trust.

It's important to note that I had completely broken my wife's heart and her trust in me, rightfully so, was in shambles. Undoubtedly, trust was going to be a very difficult thing to build up. What proved to be the most scary part of the journey for me ended up being one of the most effective ways of rebuilding trust, and that was through polygraph. The lead up to that polygraph and the preparation for it was difficult to say the least, but also incredibly eye-opening and surprisingly freeing.

My wife and I have done a lot of work since then to build on a foundation of trust, and now more than ever before, our marriage is flourishing spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Because of the Marriage Recovery process, we communicate about everything with honesty and vulnerability. We truly are doing life together, and I would have it no other way. And I know God would have it no other way because this is the type of marriage he intended all along. There is no one I would rather do life with than my incredible, brave, beautiful wife. Everyday she is a gift to me, and now I see that more clearly than ever before. So, I can firmly and confidently say that committing to the Marriage Recovery process and applying its principles will change everything for the better.”

- Stewart


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DISCLAIMER: The outcomes described on this page and in the courses are real outcomes of clients who have implemented the methodology taught by MRC. Please understand these results are very much possible, but depend on the continual efforts of both spouses for duration of the recovery journey. We cannot guarantee you will duplicate their results, as the average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results if not paired with action and 1:1 professional guidance. We use these references for example and inspirational purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your personal background, experience, and work ethic as well as those of your spouse. All growth entails risk as well as massive, consistent effort and action.  If both you and your spouse are willing to do those things, you too can experience results similar to MRC graduates.