TheĀ Grief Grid

A comprehensive and holistic approach to theĀ Five Stages of Grief

What's covered:

  1. The original Five Stages of Grief by Kübler-Ross
  2. An unforgettable recall technique you have "on-hand"
  3. What your subconscious is processing in each stage
  4. How the "Waltz from Hell" short-circuits healing
  5. The revolutionary, multi-layered Grief Grid

Access Full Training

Included in cost:
1.25 hrs of Instruction
Notetaking Guide &
Grief Worksheet


What students are saying:


"When I learned about the Grief Grid, it was the first time I felt the depth of my grief was validated. Grief was no longer represented in my mind as something linear, but something dynamic with layers and depth."


“The grief grid concept was a game changer. I was able to visualize instances of grief events in my life and see how they may be linked. Overwhelming to think about at first, but it also gave me hope; a way to visualize a way through my current and future grief.”

“I experienced my grief in fresh and new if something was unlocked that allowed me to process my grief deeper.”

“I like the way you combined shock into the denial stage especially appreciated the way you explained the depression stage.”

ā€œThe Five Finger visual is helpful in thinking about the Grief cycle.ā€